The International Symposium on Deep Earth Exploration and Practices (DEEP-2024) will be held from Oct. 22 to Oct. 24, 2024, in Beijing, China. This symposium is a multi-disciplinary, complex undertaking aimed at understanding the structure, dynamics and evolution of the lithosphere. The DEEP-2018 and DEEP-2021 meetings were held successfully by attracting hundreds of geophysicists and geologists around the world. ILP is proud to be one of the sponsors and to promote collaboration and discovery across boundaries. Hence the DEEP-2024 will also become the platform to share progress of Task Forces and Coordinating Committees.
The DEEP-2024 symposium consists of 15 sessions and two special sessions. It will be followed by post-meeting field trips to classic outcrops: (1) Ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in the Dabie orogen: Tracing the continental crust into the mantle (Oct. 25-27, 2024); (2) Meso-Cenozoic tectonics in the Daqingshan orogen, North China (Oct. 25-28, 2024); (3) Paleoseismic trenches on active faults in the suburb of Beijing (Oct. 25, 2024). These field excursions are intended for international participants. The online registration and abstract submission are open now: