The Integrated Solid Earth perspective is key to the mission of ILP because:

  • The Lithosphere is the connection between the deep Earth and the Earth's surface;

  • The Lithosphere is the topic for focused cooperation between geology, geophysics and geotechnology (i.e. the focused interface between IUGS and IUGG);

  • Breakthroughs in the study of the Lithosphere can only be achieved through integration of imaging and monitoring, reconstruction and process modelling.


Advancing fundamental lithosphere research will lead to the formulation of novel concepts concerning a process-oriented understanding of the Earth. Challenges faced in this respect by ILP in the near future are:

  • To strengthen the connection between solid-earth and non-solid-earth aspects relevant to the lithosphere and vice-versa;

  • To strengthen the profile and the impact of lithosphere research and topics of societal relevance, i.e. energy and environment;

  • To be attractive to young researchers by choosing of challenging topics and adopting integrated approaches;

  • To promote training of young researchers on lithosphere studies; To initiate dedicated programs that address world-class problems (these will required major external funding).

To respond to the above challenges

  • science is addresses by Task Forces and Coordinating Committees

  • financial and organisational aspects are managed by the ILP Bureau