First circular – 5th annual AlpArray scientific meeting (Nov. 9-12), early registration
Welcome to the 5th annual AlpArray scientific meeting to be held in Prague and co-hosted this year by the IGCAS in Prague and 4D-MB in Germany! This circular is to solicit registration and abstract titles for the meeting, which we hope will bring together geoscientists from the 17 member states and 64 institutions making up the AlpArray consortium, as well as to everyone engaged in Alpine research that is relevant to AlpArray.
We are delighted that Jaroslava Plomerová and her colleagues at the IGCAS in Prague have renewed their offer to host the live meeting. However, if the pandemic intervenes again, the meeting will be conducted online, as in 2020. For practical reasons, we decided not to host a hybrid meeting.
The Scientific Program comprises three sessions with themes intended to bring together geoscientists working at the surface as well as on the crust and mantle in the Alpine chains. AlpArray has already moved beyond the seismological experiment (2016-2019) to the present stage where a wealth of data is being interpreted and debated. The idea of this meeting is to further interaction between specialists with the aim of shedding light on processes governing the evolution of the Alps and their neighboring mountain belts and basins.
9.11. (afternoon) Early career meeting (PhDs and early career PostDocs) and joint ECS dinner in Prague in the evening. Will be canceled if the meeting is held online only.
10. - 12.11. Main meeting from Wednesday morning until Friday afternoon with the following sessions:
Session themes
1: Connecting surface and mantle processes
The growth and demise of mountains reflect the interplay of processes affecting the surface and the dynamics of Earth’s crust and mantle during subduction and collision. We seek contributions that assess and compare the roles of these different processes, especially in light of new data from AlpArray. This session aims to improve our understanding of surface responses (e.g., changes in morphology, surface uplift, exhumation, source-sink paths) to variations in crustal and mantle structure and its evolution along the Alpine chains.
2: Contrasting images of deep structure from crust to mantle
The present-day structure of the Alpine chains as revealed by AlpArray is a key to understanding their orogenic evolution. This session focusses on the contrasting shapes and physical properties of subsurface rock bodies gleaned from a broad range of geophysical and geological observations. We welcome presentations on orogenic crust and mantle that reconcile diverse data sets and encourage contributions that emphasize first-order differences which seem (at first glance) to be irreconcilable.
3: Lithospheric motion and deformation on different time scales
Alpine structure has changed in space as well as in time, the fourth dimension. This session highlights the motion and deformation of the lithosphere in the Alpine-Mediterranean region on time scales ranging from months and days to millions of years. We are particularly interested in contributions that further our understanding of major changes in plate kinematics during the Alpine orogenesis and their effects on local and short-term motion history within Alpine mountains and basins.
Breakouts (gatherings of special interest groups)
Alpine Model Generators
Eastern Alps
Alps-Pannonian-Dinarides Junction (AA collaborative project, ESC group)
AlpArray Steering Committee
4D-MB Steering Committee
Venue:Questions & Comments:
The meeting will be held at the Hotel GLOBUS conference center ( located only 20 minutes from the center of town by Metro (
Costs for participants are for travel and bed & breakfast. All other costs (conference organisation, rooms) are covered by 4D-MB (German Science Foundation) and by the IGCAS in Prague. Participants thus avoid conference fees.
You may choose to book yourself into a hotel in town or directly at the Hotel GLOBUS on site at the conference center. We will reserve rooms for those who wish to stay in the Hotel GLOBUS (see pre-registration form). Either way, the fees must be paid by every participant individually. Costs at the Hotel GLOBUS (special prices for meeting participants):
Single room – 43€/night includes breakfast + 0,85€ city taxes/person/night
Double room – 47€/night includes breakfast+ 0,85€ city taxes/person/night
100 rooms are pre-booked and more bookings are possible depending on the pre-registration feedback we receive. Note: Hotel GLOBUS reservations are made on a first-come first-serve basis.
Dinner can be taken in town at restaurants of choice or can be booked in advance at the Hotel Globus by notification until 19h of the evening before.
Questions about the venue can be asked directly to Jarka Plomerova (
Other questions about the meeting may be addressed to to Emanuel Kästle ( or indeed to any member of the program committee (see below).
You can also send us general remarks or comments via the pre-registration form.